
Strange Loops

Strange Loops is a natural progression from my Cosmic series in which I explore simple geometric patterns. The work uses a limited set of signs and symbols. A sort of visual vocabulary that has been designed specially as a font. Patterns arise through the arrangement and combination of these signs and symbols. Both animation and colour have their own specific effects on the perception of the patterns that arise.

The work is interactive, giving the collector the ability to change both the speed and direction of the animation as well as play with grid density and glyph set variations. By exploring these, myriad combinations can be found that have a very different effect on the perception of the work.

These works have been generated from custom-made software written in JavaScript. Each iteration from the program is unique. The program lives as text on the blockchain where people can mint an edition. Each edition minted on the blockchain enables the user to interact with the program as well as export the generated images as a vector file that can be used for printing.

Further Readings

A variety of outputs from the Strange Loops program.